Monday, 23 July 2012

Winter in Bathurst

Winter in Bathurst gets me down. I'm a gardener, so I have to avert my gaze from the bleak barren backyard. I burst forward when the veges do.

I had a bit of an early spring clean with my kids in the last school holidays. We came across a very large bag of forgotten textas and started doodling. Textas are not usually my first medium of choice, but it was nice for a change. This is my first attempt on printer paper. (you can click on the image to enlarge it)

Then I thought, there's a series in this, why not celebrate the bare trees, honour them in some way, and use some nicer paper in the process. I photographed some of my favourite deciduous trees around Bathurst: elms, oaks, claret ash. This one is on very large beautiful heavy artist paper that a friend gave to me.

This row of trees has a real presence in the street. Here's hoping they don't get cut down. It's only half finished, so I'd better get cracking.

Anyway, these trees are helping me find my way through Winter.

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